"Barbara's Pasture Rose"
Found by Barbara Oliva near Cherokee, CA this plant produces large 5" flat blooms. It is a well rounded shrub that would fit well with many locations.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
"Cato's Cluster"
This rose was found by Carl Cato. It is a semi double with a soft pink center. Bloom size averages 2-3".
Class | Noisette, Found
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
"Laujuzan Tea"
A found rose by John Hook of La Roseraie du Désert this variety was from Laujuzan, France.
Class | Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
| 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
1 in stock!
Alice Hamilton
This China rose from 1904 was bred by Albert Nabonnand in France. It has a glossy dark green foliage to act as a back drop to the crimson blooms. The prolific blooming will be greatly appreciated by any gardener.
(Out of Stock)
Alister Stella Gray
Allister Stella Gray is a wonderful Noisette from 1894. With her light yellow highlights she then ages to cream. She can be used as a shrub or allowed to exhibit her full height potential as a climber. This growth habit makes her versatile for many locations.
Light Yellow
(Out of Stock)
Anna de Deisbach
From 1858 this is a plant that blooms with flowers frequently exceeding 3". The bloom is dark pink and lightens as it ages, being very full.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual |
Color | Dark Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
Anna Olivier
A French introduction in 1872. This tea rose varies greatly in color with the time of year and corresponding temperatures, varying from orange to apricot and cream shades.
Class | Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Archduke Charles
Bearing a mild fruity scent the large blooms come out as a pink in cooler weather. The blush color seen as they fade is accompanied by an almost cherry colored edge. This makes a fine shrub rose.
Class | China |
Color | Red Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 7 |
9 in stock!
From 1929 Arrillaga has a strong fragrance from this large, full bloom of some 5 inches. It first opens with a very high center.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual
| | | |
Color | Pink Blend
| | | |
Rebloom | Spring, occasional repeat
| | | |
Fragrance | Strong | | | |
Zone | 6 | | | |
(Out of Stock)
Barfield White Climber
A found rose, disease free here in Central Florida . Branches nicely in a self supporting fashion. Blooming in clusters. Generally prickle free. Bright shiny leaves.
Class | Climber |
Color | White |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Baronne Prevost
From 1841, with a strong damask fragrance one will truly appreciate the large flat blooms (5-6") on this variety. A favorite Hybrid perpetual of many, very hardy.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Spring Scattered later bloom
Fragrance | Strong, Damask
| 4 |
(Out of Stock)
Bassoues Tea
A found rose from France in 2008, by John Hook. The flowers have an interesting blending of color and form as they age.
Class | Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Beaute Inconstante
Bred in France in 1887 this is a vigorous tea. Blooms are in clusters on upright growth. The color varies showing oranges, yellows and various red shades with the season and environment.
Class | Tea |
Color | Orange Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Bermuda Yellow Mutabilis
This is a sport of Mutabilis found in the Bermuda garden of, and by Ronica Watlington. Buds predominately open yellow with some opening pink.
Class | China |
Color | Yellow Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
Bermuda's Anna Olivier
A Bermuda Mystery Rose, this is a delightful tea rose. Blooming is very, very generous, a variety every rose lover will enjoy.
Class | Tea |
Color | Medium Yellow
Rebloom | Continuous |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Bermuda's Kathleen
A found rose single petaled from Bermuda. This grows as a shrub and has a mild fragrance.
Class | Shrub |
Color | Medium Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Blush Noisette
From the US in 1814 this is a clove scented flower that blooms in clusters, very few thorns. The buds open a very soft pink fading to white.
Class | Noisette |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Bon Silene
From 1834 in France Bon Silene offers a pleasant fragrance emanating from ruffled deep pink petals on the large blooms.
Class | Tea |
Color | Dark Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 5b |
(Out of Stock)
Brightside Cream
A Bermuda Rose with blooms some 3" in diameter, very reliable rebloom, the petals have a soft cream like appearance.
Class | Noisette |
Color | White |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Introduced in the US at the end of the 1800's. Disease resistant with leathery foliage.
Class | Tea |
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
1 in stock!
Camelia Rose
From 1830 in France the blooms of this variety are strikingly beautiful with deeper pink veins running through each petal creating an attractive quality to be treasured.
Class | China/Noisette |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Carnation is a found Bermuda rose, named for the frilly edged petals.
Class | Hybrid China
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 7b |
(Out of Stock)
Catherine Mermet
This rose was bred in France and dates from 1869. Large blooms that are full with excellent fragrance.
Class | Tea |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Cecile Brunner
Light Pink Polyantha bred in France before 1880. This rose is included in old world Hall of Fame.Thornless.
Class | Polyantha |
| Lt Pink
Rebloom | Continuous |
Zone | 5b-10b |
Fragrance | moderate,apple |
(Out of Stock)
Champneys' Pink Cluster
The first of the Noisette class of roses, this rose blooms in a light pink and fades to white, the blooms are in clusters. It can grow rather tall if allowed to.
Class | Noisette |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Light |
1 in stock!
Clementina Carbonieri
An Italian rose introduced in 1913 the blooms very in color from pink to apricot with yellow shading depending upon the time of year.
Class | Tea |
Color | Yellow blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
2 in stock!
Comtesse du Cayla
Comtesse du Cayla is from France, being released in 1902. This is a very well liked rose known for its very rapid and generous rebloom.
Class | China |
Color | Orange Blend
Rebloom | flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
| 7b |
(Out of Stock)
Cramoisi Superieur
Many bright red blooms with streaks of red will great you from this variety. It blooms frequently with a mild raspberry fragrance.
Class | China |
Color | Medium Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
It is very easy to fall in love with the rich color of this rose. A sweet fragrance to be enjoyed on this plant, which may be grown as a shrub or pillar.
Class | Noisette |
Color | Apricot /Apricot Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
An 1838 introduction from the UK this tea will often show pink when the bud is opening. Depending on temperature it may show as white a light pink or even a light yellow in the open flower.
Class | Tea |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
| Strong |
(Out of Stock)