A Kordes rose from 1956 this variety may be grown as a shrub, pillar or climber. It is generous with large quartered blooms that have a tea fragrance.
Class | Shrub |
Color | Apricot Blend
Rebloom | Spring |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 4b |
(Out of Stock)
Anne Belovich
Named in acknowledgement of Anne Belovich, a tireless collector and historian of Rambler roses. This variety was bred by Kim Rupert of the US and released in 2007. It can be trained as a climber.
Class | Hybrid Wichurana, Rambler |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Once Blooming
| 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Eugene de Beauharnais
Bred in 1831 and from France and named for the son of Empress Josephine, this rose is noted for its strong fragrance and moderate size.
Class | Bourbon |
Color | Deep Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 5b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Discovered by Robert Fortune U.K. 1850 .This rose is also used as root stock for grafted roses Zone 7-11. Thornless.(or almost) OGR
Class | Hybrid Banksia, Species Cross |
| White Blend |
Rebloom | Once, Spring
Zone | 7-11 |
| Strong, Sweet
(Out of Stock)
Fun Jwan Lo
Originally from an unknown breeder in China some time before 1811. This is a large plant that blooms once a year. The generous number of flowers are a soft pink. This would be an excellent addition at the rear or side of a garden. It Is thornless.
Class | China / Bengale Climber |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Once Blooming
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
2 in stock!
Madame Plantier
Bred in France 1835 an almost thornless rose,arching or climbing.
Class | Alba, Hybrid Noisette |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Once blooming
Zone | 3b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Marie Henriette Gräfin Chotek
A German introduction from 1911 blooming in large clusters.
Class | Hybrid Multiflora
Color | Medium Red
Rebloom | Spring or Summer
Zone | 4b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
Mme Charles
From 1864 this variety was once believed to be Comtesse Riza du Parc. The blooms vary in color with climate from buff to apricot and have a strong tea fragrance. She may be grown as a shrub or specimen.
Class | Tea |
Color | Yellow Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Parks' Yellow Tea-scented China
This rose is one of unknown origin having been introduced under this name in 1980 by Peter Beales Roses. It is a very prolific once bloomer.
Class | Climbing China |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Spring |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Paul Ploton
A very vigorous rambler with clustered flowers, France, 1910.
Class | Hybrid Wichurana, Rambler
Color | Carmine-red, pink reverse |
Rebloom | once spring or summer
Zone | 6b through 9b
Fragrance | light |
(Out of Stock)
Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler
Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler is a large Hybrid Musk with clusters of flowers and a strong musk fragrance, allow plenty of room for this variety.
Class | Hybrid Musk
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Once blooming
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 4b |
(Out of Stock)
Seven Sisters
Seven Sisters comes from Japan with an introduction date of 1815. It may be much darker than pictured in cooler climates and can show purple, light red, scarlet, blush, etc. in the same cluster.
Class | Hybrid Multiflora
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Spring |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 4b |
(Out of Stock)
The Bishop
From before 1790 This is a once blooming shade tolerant plant. The bloom is striking with the mauve color and yellow stamens.
Class | Gallica |
Color | Mauve Blend
Rebloom | Spring |
Zone | 4b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Rambler bred in Germany before 1909, This Hardy vigorous plant is almost thornless with large glossy foliage
Class | Hybrid Multiflora |
Color | Violet with white flecks ,white center, yellow stamens |
| Once Spring or Summer
Zone | 4b and warmer
Fragrance | Moderate, Apple/Lilly of the Valley
2 in stock!
William Lobb
Mauve blend Moss rose France 1855 Old fashion quartered bloom form, mossed buds
| Miniature |
Color | Mauve Blend
Rebloom | Spring |
| 4b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)